Sunday, December 5, 2010

The Game Plan

This is one of the slides from the Tony Horton's presentation at the Game Plan, a two day event that I just attended in Portland.  It is was so inspiring to not only get to participate in two workout sessions with Tony Horton, but also get to hear his entire career in fitness, and his philosophy on life in general.    This is just one example, another is a personal favorite:  Fall in love with falling down and getting up again....when you do you are unstoppable.  Don't be afraid of failure.  This one really struck home because I have always loved to learn new sports even if I happen to look like a kook when learning.  I learned to windsurf, kitesurf, standup paddle surf, Trikke mostly on my own, just falling, laughing and getting up again.  When I got back to the beach I would hear people say, Oh I can't learn that because it takes too much time, or it doesn't look cool.  Well for me, it is all the process of learning that makes it rewarding and fun.  Why not try something new if it doesn't kill you?  Get out there and don't worry about falling because that is the fun of it.   Thank you Tony Horton for an amazing seminar, and two incredible workouts!  I was equally impressed with the workouts that Tony led.  The sweat was literally pouring off all of us, about 250 participants doing everything from multiple push ups to intense yoga moves such as warier 3 balance pose!

The mission statement of Team Beachbody is: Help people acheive their goals and enjoy a healthy fulfilling life.  What an awesome statement, I don't know why anyone would not want to get involved.

After two days of training with Team Beachbody, I am more stoked than ever to be a coach, and the timing could not be better.  My goal is not only to earn enough to get ripped, get free Shakeology sent to my house every month, but also to be able to pay for my upcoming vacation to Portugal in May 2011.  I think it is all doable, and please stay tuned to this blog as things progress.  Also check out my coach page on Facebook.

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